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Melonie Kessler
May 25, 20212 min read
Are You Having Fun When Riding?
Has the realization of the complexity of dressage taken the fun out of your daily ride? Do you focus so hard on the technique that...

Melonie Kessler
Apr 26, 20201 min read
Dressage riders must be quick-thinkers and problem solvers.
I instruct my students to break down their difficulties and have them quickly tell me what they need to do as a correction. Many times...

Melonie Kessler
Apr 26, 20201 min read
Considering Rhythm
Most riders that are students of dressage know the definition of rhythm as the recurring sequence and timing of the footfalls and phases...

Melonie Kessler
Apr 26, 20201 min read
A Judges Perspective
As I take a moment to rest and reflect I wanted to reach out to all horse lovers on fb that aren't getting championship ribbons or 1st...
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